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About Us


Hi, I’m Bethan a second-year journalism student! I enjoy logging my travels and writing about important ongoings. You can usually find me taking walks across the beach, going for a drive, listening to music, reading, crocheting or playing netball. Currently my all time favourite read is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, but in terms of comfort books I’d probably say anything by Becka Mack as they’re so easily re-readable.​

















Hi, I’m Giorgia a second-year English Literature and creative writing student! I love rereading my favourite books. Fun fact about me I read Pride and Prejudice in three different languages (Italian, French and English, of course) and also many times. So yes, reading is one of my favourite things to do. I also like art, history and music. I really enjoy reading classics but also more contemporary books like Dan Brown’s especially Angels and Demons as it also talks about art and history. 


We first started creating a podcast after being flatmates at university for over a year and since then we have created our very own blog; using this platform to share our thoughts and journeys through writing.

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